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Essay 3

Fighting For What’s Right and Protecting our loved ones In the Disney Pixar movie Brave, a young princess by the name of Merida grows up wanting to be independent and be in control of her own destiny. But that is being challenged with her mother, Queen Elinor, wanting her to be a proper princess and…

Fighting For What’s Right

The publisher of the image is from the Disney website and they do play a role in the image by portraying a message on what Merida is doing not only for herself, but for others as well. I think that the intended message is to stand up for yourself and others who are not being…

The Effects of Horror

Brief Summary: In the two articles that I have read, Mathias Clasen explains the evolution, Cognition, Horror, and why horror can also seduce its audience/readers. Author’s Background: Mathias Clasen is a Professor of Literature and Media at Arhus University in Denmark, as well as an Associate Editor for Journal Evolutionary Studies. Clasen mostly focuses on…

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